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Hello, in the animation platformer_Hero_A_atk1 the third frame has a fault in the legs, they are like "cut". ;)

(1 edit)

😱 I thought I caught everything! I'll fix it asap! Thank you

Edit: are you referring to the way that some of the belt plating was in front of the back leg, or how the belts on calves where a bit weird, I fixed both in this image


lemme know if that's not it.

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Hello, I apologize I was wrong. When I saw the spritesheet it seemed that it had this bug because it had a white window background, but when I mounted it in the game I realized that it was fine. I apologize again.

PD: Do you think of making swim / attack movements swimming?

Thanks for everything and sorry for the inconvenience and my Google English ; P

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At the moment no, Sorry,  but when I revisit these in the future I'll make sure to add that.

Hello, are you thinking of adding more movements like crouching, crouching attack or some more to this and other characters?

definitely. I'm currently going through all three and adding more to them.  

Deleted 3 years ago

That's the plan. I'm going to wrap up one more player character then start on a couple of monster sets to match.